In this course we learn about how people learn language(s) after their 1st language: what motivates us, what processes in our mind/brain helps us; what social processes help or hinder; how our attitudes affect us during the learning. 

Course Description:

This course considers the practice of applying theatre techniques in a range of contexts with a variety of objectives – from teaching to performance-making to healing. Its focus would be the conceptual frameworks that are in discussion in the study of applied theatre, while also designing controlled situations where practical strategies/techniques can be applied and reflected on.

Learning Outcomes: 

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Develop critical perspectives on the theory and practice of applying theatre techniques in a variety of contexts/situations  
  2. Reflect on definitions of ‘community performance’ and discuss case studies in the field
  3. Explore the practice of using theatre techniques as a teaching strategy, and also examine pedagogical concerns encountered in drama education
  4. Define and expand on the parametres of Socially Engaged Art (political and therapeutic), and explore a wide range of practical skills/ techniques used with developmental goals in performance settings
  5. Design and execute short-term creative practice projects and/or engage in a short-term internship that would involve gaining professional experience in a contemporary theatre company

Course Content:

A. Approaches to Theatre in Application: Concepts and Practice

B. Drama in the Community

C. Drama in Education

D. Theatre for Healing and Social Change

E. Professional Focus/ Practice-Based Project: Internship and/or Creative Project

This course introduces a survey of methodological practices to students in order to be able to study linguistic phenomena. Students will familiarize themselves with selected methods of data collection and come to understand common issues in researching language in the field. They will learn how to analyze linguistic data as well as produce meaningful descriptions of languages. Through this course, students will also be introduced to an array of software and corpora generally used for linguistic analyses.

Medium of Instruction: EM
Name of Lecturer(s) :Dr. Dushyanthi Mendis